Monday, August 24, 2009

Plummer Family Triathlon

Last weekend we embarked upon a new outdoor adventure - the Plummer Family Triathlon!

After church we changed into "exercise clothes," laced up our shoes (or fastened the velcro straps), packed up the kids' bikes, filled our water bottles and headed for the Silver Comet Trail.

While Brady is well aware of the trail's existence - Mommy and Parker have been walking there for years and Daddy runs there with his running buddies - he had never had the opportunity to check it out for himself.

Well this was his BIG DAY. When we got there Bill promptly unloaded the bikes and took the wrench to Brady's bike - - - removing his training wheels for the very first time!

We chose to set up shop along a slightly inclined stretch of trail, and the boys took off. With only a few minor tips and spills, Brady caught on really well, though turning around in the tight space of the trail proved a little challenging. The best part was watching Bill run up and back, up and back, up and back, alongside Brady. Daddy was sweating before it was all over, too!

A three year old whom shall remain nameless threw a tantrum because he wanted HIS training wheels off, too. We promised we would do it when he turned 4, and he finally relented to waiting a few more months. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if Parker could do it. One thing at a time, big boy!

After a much needed water break we packed the kids and bikes back into the van and headed to the track at Campbell Middle School for the second phase of the triathlon. The boys, Bill and I are all going to run a .5k race on the Saturday of Labor Day, and the boys are in training. The distance is 1 lap + 1 dash on the track - which is a great way for the kids to visualize how far they have to run during the real race.

We stood at the starting line and sounded the gun! While we generally paced each other for 3/4 of the race, Brady decided he wanted to sprint the final 100 meters, so he and I took off at lightning speed, leaving slow Daddy in our dust!

After all that exercise it was time for phase 3. We headed home, changed our clothes and headed for the pool. We have been trying to get every last bit of pool time in before it closes for the year, and this was a great way to treat ourselves after all that hard work! The boys did a few free-style laps back and forth across the pool to make the triathlon day complete.

After that, it was all fun in the sun floating!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Jeeeeshh - I'm tired just reading about it! :)