Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Parker storms the B-Hive!

Yes, Parker also started school last week! While we have been so happy over the years at VCLC, we decided that it was silly to keep Parker in one school and Brady in another, if the need wasn't there. So, last week Parker started preschool at the St. Benedict's Preschool B-Hive!

He attends Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9-1:00 (though in reality he gets dropped off during carpool at 8:30 with his brother and gets to play in his room for a bit before "school" starts in earnest.)

From what I can gather from him, he is happy and having fun, though for the first few days he insisted he had no crayons in his classroom (until Friday.) According to my interview with Parker, his favorite things about school are:
  1. Parker loves his new friends named Ryan, Cooper and Michael
  2. Parker loves the playground, especially climbing
  3. Parker loves to color with the new crayons
  4. Parker loves doing Spanish with his teachers
On the first day of school - as Brady sat hugging the trash can, about ready to throw up in the backseat - Parker announced "I not nervous!" And he truly wasn't. He has announced proudly each day that he has had "not one tear at all!"

Where Brady clearly channels the Mershon/Durst genes in some of his personality traits, Parker is all Pansing! Parker generally tackles new situations and new people with ease, trusting that he will be happy and safe. His ability to relax and fold effortlessly into new situations will undoubtedly bolster his success throughout his life.

It's such a gift to be so confident in the world, and speaking as his Mommy, that gift is priceless.

P.S. I apologize to Parker now for the wet-hair look on his first day of school... that was Daddy's doing, Baby Love!

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