Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ode to the Otoscope

While Parker and I were enjoying a Moe's lunch with Jennifer, Olivia, Zach, Liz and Danny today, we were completely unaware of the trauma that was unfolding at St. Benedict's Episcopal Day School. We were pleasantly munching on our chips and salsa while Brady was eating his ham roll-up only 2 miles away.

After lunch and on our way to the town square fountain, we waited patiently for the bathroom. Checking my phone I noticed I missed a call from our PTA President. As I have been volunteering at school with various communications projects, I did not react with concern but simply listened to the voicemail.

Well, it sure wasn't what I expected!

Brady, it seems, was happily chatting away and eating his lunch when all of a sudden he started to cry ("scream", I think was actually said.) He was crying that his ear hurt, and he was immediately removed and sent to Nurse Burson's office. Upon examination it was discovered that he had a small pool of blood in his right ear. The call was made to me more than a half hour ago... while I was I happily munching on my aforementioned chips and salsa.

So, we hurried down Atlanta Road to school and found Brady cheerfully wandering about with Nurse Burson. No fever. No headache. No lung tightness (with his asthma, she checked this immediately.) Only a little stuffiness that may be attributed to his earlier crying jag. As Nurse Burson does not have an otoscope, we decided to head back to the town square to see if the nurse at the CVS clinic could determine if he had an ear infection.

When we arrived at CVS, the Library Dragon Lady's long lost sister was working. For those of you who frequent the children's section of the Smyrna library, you know who I'm talking about. For those who don't, use your imagination. There were two people ahead of me, but she addressed me when we arrived (probably because I was towing two loud children.)

I explained our situation, and she quickly shut me down with, "If there is blood then he needs to be seen by an urgent care facility. I do not do blood."

I stammered a reply of, "But it isn't actually bleeding Miss Dragon Lady Nurse. There are some dried remnants of a small amount of blood, and I just want to see with an otoscope if he might have an ear infection. I have placed a call into my pediatrician, but the office is closed for lunch."
To this, I received a Huff, a Puff, a "fine. Have a seat" and a door closed in my face.

It was now after 1:00, so I called the pediatrician again and was told I could be seen by Dr. Ellerine at 2:00. Great!

What they actually meant was that I could arrive at 2:00 for my appointment and not be seen by Dr. Ellerine until sometime after 3:15. By that time, Parker and Brady are both overjoyed at this whole situation (as is Mommy) and we have all jumped off the cliff.

So what, pray tell, was the catastrophe that struck young Braden's ear?

A small cut, most likely created by his own fingernail scratching his ear.

The detailed medical plan as explained to us in Dr. E's gorgeous South African accent?

After tonight's bath, place a small amount of Neosporin in his ear using a Q-Tip. Oh, and cut his fingernails. Here's a lollipop. See you soon!

1 comment:

Elizabeth Seymour said...

Was the alternate title to the post, "At Least It Wasn't Ear Swine Flu"?