Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Radio Silence from Sick Bay

There has been virtual radio silence over the past week and a half ... and I blame the late winter crud. Sickness has been running rampant throughout our house, our school and our social circle for two weeks, and we fell victim to its grip. First Parker, then Brady, then Mommy --- even Daddy felt a little cruddy. Lucky for Mr. Athlete, his body staved off the fever, throat burning, headaches, cough and congestion. Mommy was not so lucky. That was either because she has no where near Daddy's physical prowess or because SHE was the one snuggled in twin beds throughout various nights with unnamed children coughing and breathing on her face. In either case, thanks to Dr. Al and Azithromycin, it is a new day and I promise some new blogs will be arriving in the upcoming days.

Visit us soon, my friends. ~


Daddy said...

I think it's more about the physical prowess thing. ;-)

Lici said...

hope you're all feeling better soon!!