Sunday, April 18, 2010

Riding High

While we were in Florida over spring break, Grandpa (a cycling "enthusiast") mentioned that he thought the boys' bikes were too small for them.

Granted, Parker was still riding the little kid bike with the training wheels that are permanently attached, but I thought Brady (who lost his training wheels last fall) was still OK. Nope, Grandpa explained. Their legs couldn't stretch out, and they were too cramped on the seat.

Well, here's what the boys heard "blah, blah, blah... NEW BIKE!!!! blah, blah, blah."

So, yesterday afternoon Brady got a new green Avigo bike (18" rims) to replace his blue Vaporizor (16" rims) bike, and Parker eagerly accepted the training wheels back onto to the Va-poo-rizor for his "new" big boy bike. See, Dad, I do listen to you!

The Avigo came in a box. As you might guess, the instructions were incomplete, and the process of assembly was long and stressful.

Add to that a lingering break issue and training wheels that are missing a "crucial" piece, and the process wasn't quite as pretty or easy as the adults had hoped. Tomorrow after school we'll head to the bike shop to get both fixed up and working like new.

But the boys? Well, they didn't care that the back breaks don't work or that Daddy rigged the training wheels with chewed bubblegum and a bottle top!

They were excited, proud, and oh so BIG!!

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