Brady and Parker are two of the luckiest little souls. Their world revolves around a network of loving family members: grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, great-aunts and uncles, second cousins and more. The boys' understanding of family is one of inclusivity and openness.
It is a patchwork of people - both young and old - who care for and love one another despite geographical separations. The boys believe whole-heartedly that they are valued pieces to a large and loving family, and they clearly have a given place within that kindred unit.
A few weeks ago we received a wonderful visit from Bill's cousin Avary. While Avary's eldest brother Taylor is a 2nd year at Emory (yeah for us ATL locals!), Avary lives in Lincoln NE, and we see her mainly during the summers in Minnesota. She is smart, friendly, talented, and lovely ... and most of all, the boys ADORE her!!
Thanks for a great visit, Aves... we can't wait to see you on the lake!