Monday, February 14, 2011

Torn between two loves

Parker is indeed turning out to be a bit of a Casanova. Apparently there is quite a little love triangle taking place in the Blue Birds room.

Parker and Miss Emma (seen here at soccer) have been smitten on each other for months. They were in the same class last year; they have continued their studies together this year; they play on the same soccer team - They are surely perfectly matched, right?

Check out that sideways smile!! ;-)

Well, when Miss Emma recently moved tables at school, a new love interest was born.

Enter Miss Cade.

Now that Cade and Parker have the green table to themselves (with 6 other 4-5 years olds, of course), Parker's affections are certainly torn.

Should he make like an owl and turn his head 180 degrees toward Miss Emma at the red table behind him, or does he simply turn his head 90 degrees directly toward Little Miss Cade on the left?

The choice is most definitely a tough one. Both are smart, precocious, fun-loving, and adorable little girls. I think it's safe to say that Parker's a winner either way!

Happy Valentines Day Big Guy!

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