Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Brady's turning 100!!! "NO KITTY, those are my Cheesy Poofs!!!"

If you do not follow South Park, you will probably not get all of this one, but it is truly funny.

Brady had to draw a picture and write a story about what he would be like at age 100. His story goes like this...

"When I am 100, I will have a cane. I will sit in bed and watch movies all day. I will be fat. I will have a very long beard."

It's always interesting to have a view into the young mind. Brady must think all old people sit around, watch movies, and are fat - and have facial hair. Hmmm... he may not be that far off, but I digress.

Anyway, so he reads the story and Amy and I smile and wink to each other. But then, he turns his page around to show us his drawing. It turns out, he thinks he will look like Eric Cartman when he's older.

I totally crack up b/c the thought of Brady acting like Eric Cartman, the most inappropriate, rude cartoon kid in the history of man, at age 100 was perfect. How true it is!

"No Kitty, those are my Cheesy Poofs!! MA-AAAAAAHHM!!!!"

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