Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Glimpses of the Softer Side

I have often said that as close brothers, Brady and Parker are both the best of friends and the worst of enemies. For the most part they play together really well (and for that I am truly grateful!)

Many times their games and imaginative play just happen around the house without me taking much notice. Yet their play the other day simply made me smile.

They created a slumber party for all their loveys - every stuffed shark, dog, snake and bear! Each lovey had a place to sleep, complete with blankets and pillows - separated of course by size of the animal (for their own safety, I am told.)

Most of the boys' play is rough and tumble in nature - bouncing, throwing, hitting, running, jumping, wrestling, falling. As a mom of two boys it's nice to know that I have instilled a softer side in there somewhere as well ... even if I don't see it all that often!

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