Monday, April 26, 2010

We have to save our planet?

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.

Words that we all know... sort of.

And in another version we were a little more confident about the words (though still not actually correct!)

For Earth Day last Thursday Parker's class had been planning a special craft. Apparently they discussed it on Monday and Wednesday. Parker - who does not go to school on Thursday - was feeling sad that he was going to miss the craft! He asked me if he could go to school on Thursday. Of course he can!

So, we headed in together Thursday morning for a little playground time and to participate in the craft. Parker went running into the playground yelling "Hey everybody!" and he didn't look back.

We had fun creating an Earth by coloring with blue and green markers on coffee filters, then spritzing with water to make the colors run together. And when it was time to leave, Parker had to walk around the classroom hugging each friend goodbye.

I'm used to watching how Brady attacks the world without a shred of self-doubt. Parker isn't built that way, and I've often worried that his quietness might keep from being a part of things. Yet watching him with his school friends the other day was a refreshing reminder that while Parker engages in the world in a different way, he's happy, secure and successful in it.

And as those who know Parker well can attest, he isn't quite as quiet as he often plays off to be!

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