Saturday, April 3, 2010

And now the world 'breaks'

For some silly reason many of the independent schools in Atlanta decided to host their Spring Breaks in early March. Great in terms of the crowds at Disney! Bad in terms of weather.

Oh well, we took off to Florida all the same, and true to fashion had a wonderful time. In fact, our day at Epcot was absolutely awesome! We were basically rained on for 10 hours, yet the boys kept their chins up, their feet wet and their slickers on! We saw just about everything Epcot had to offer, and when we finally dragged our soppy selves back to the car were tickled to discover the boys' wrinkled toes. Thank you again, Miss Betty, for giving us an amazing experience!

We did make it to the pool on two occasions - nothing would keep those boys from water (except lightening of course.) And we also headed back to a favorite spot - the Orlando Science Center. This children's museum offered us a perfect day indoors while the rain continued relentlessly outside. As with many museums, it's always fun to watch the boys rediscover a place, bringing in their fresh - and if only a little - more mature views on exhibits.

The current main-floor exhibit was a cool science/electricity/sound exhibit that mostly went over the boys' heads. But it did have a hurricane simulator that impressed upon you the wind force of a Cat 3 storm!
There was also a great exhibit on Toys - all the wonderful basics that every child should play with: blocks, dominoes, tinker toys, magnets, etc. Playing with wind and sails, the boys raced in the Mershon Regatta. Yes, Brady, you are ready for July 4th on Pelican Lake!!

A major highlight of the trip was a stop at LegoWorld in Downtwon Disney! The boys are both addicted to Legos - they are literally invading my house by the thousands! The boys looked forward to the Lego trip all week and were thrilled to run around the store (for more than an hour, mind you) trying to choose the perfect items! Did I mention it was the first time Parker had seen Ben 10 Legos? Yep, we brought home Swampfire and Big Chill!

Now, while they didn't really understand that the items they picked could probably be purchased at Target for the same amount, the experience of it all was priceless! As I sent in my Lego Club registration form, I began anticipating their excitement at receiving the monthly sales catalog (uh, I mean magazine.)

I'm sure to date I have swept up a half dozen tiny plastic pieces into the depths of my vacuum cleaner... I can only imagine the multitude that will go the way of the dog hair within the coming years.

And while we were still a month away from Easter at that point, Grandma couldn't let the boys leave without an Easter Egg hunt - definitely the earliest one in the history books!

We're very sad not to be in Florida right now, spending time with our cousins Jack and Annie (and enjoying MUCH better weather!) but we had a blast and look forward to heading south again as soon as school lets out for the summer!

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