While I am very thankful that the waters have mostly receded, the boys and I sadly said goodbye this past Friday to a sweet summer love - the POOL.
Bill and I have been so blessed to have two waterbugs for children. They have always loved the water - whether in pool or lake form. And they were quick to learn to swim unaided by flotation (or parents!)
This year has marked the turn in our afternoon swimming jaunts. The boys play and create their own water wonder world and Mommy relaxes poolside with a magazine! The boys are continually excited by the thrill of jumping, diving, racing and splashing. And afternoons swims have forever been the best nighttime sleep aid.
Well, the air is cooling and the waters are chilling, so it was time to enjoy one last 80+ sunny afternoon... in a Hotlanta pool that felt more similar to our Pelican Lake swims!
Until next spring, dear wet wonder, when we all meet again!
Had I had my "blogger brain" on I would have grabbed my camera for some goodbye pictures, but alas, I did not. So, we'll have to make due with a couple of pictures captured this past year of my waterbugs... of course you cannot see their faces because they are underwater as usual. I find that fitting.
Such is the life of fish.
Brady body surfing in the Atlantic Ocean:
Parker body surfing in Pelican Lake: