The ability to look at silly written symbols and to create from them words and meaning doesn't seem so phenomenal to us adults. Heck, we've been reading and writing for so many years that our eyes, brains and ears simply work on autopilot. But to watch a five year PreK kid learn to truly sound out, read and spell words is simply amazing.
I'm not sure how it happened, when it happened or exactly what the adults in his life did to make it happen (I guess other than lots and lots of books in our house!) But yet, his little mind is now doing it on its own. Tonight Brady read a bedtime story to Parker and me. He didn't read it from memory. He corrected himself when he erred. He grasped the meaning of the story, showed Parker the pictures and took his time at words he didn't know to sound them out on his own. It was awesome, and my heart swelled with pride for the little man.
Last week Brady had his first PreK spelling test. He was so excited, and he beamed from ear to ear. While I certainly do NOT delude myself that all tests will have this outcome, it sure was fun for his first to be refrigerator worthy!
And what does Parker think about all this? Well today at speech he kept insisting to Miss Kim that she let HIM read the phrases they were working on! She told me that he would point to each written phrase and shout "I read it! [pause] What that say?" Considering he barely recognizes letters at this point, I think we have a ways to go on this front.