Thursday, July 15, 2010

The thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat...

Every Wednesday at 2PM in Nisswa, Minnesota, a great adventure takes place. What is it, you may ask. It is a race that defies speed, grace and common sense. It's the infamous turtle race!

Now, if you have been breeding your own speedy terrapins, you can byot. Most people, however, race turtles provided by the event. They go in heats of 10-15 and cycle through 20 or so in about an hour. If you win your heat, you go to the winners rounds, and so on and so forth. It's usually very hot, and somewhat slow, if you know what I mean.
So, there's an announcer with a microphone who calls each round, keeps the peace, and officially announces the winner. Of course, Brady couldn't let this opportunity slip through his hands. He had to help out. He needs to work on a catch phrase, like "let's get ready to turtlllllllllleeeee" or something like that.

Well, this year, Avary won a heat!! That's always fun for everyone to rally around the winner and cheer for their turtle. You can see the winning speedster below.

Because this is such a crucial component of many people's lives up in Nisswa, it often times crushes the hearts of those who lose, rendering them incapable of moving on in their lives.

Well now, all was not lost. Avary let Parker hold here ribbon and all was forgotten. Way to go Avary!!!

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