Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Return of the Tooth Fairy

Brady had his 6-month dental cleaning/check-up this morning. Despite good brushing intentions, I left the office with a very sad little boy.

It turns out he has 8 (yes, 8!!) cavities. To be honest, there are really only four areas of decay, but because they each appear in between teeth, they count as 8... and the dentist gets to bill for 8 fillings. In addition, he needs to have a crown placed on a back baby molar to protect it from more decay. Apparently the crown will simply fall out with the tooth at some future point.

So imagine my delight when the child who got into the car this afternoon was excited about his mouth! He lost his second tooth - bottom center. He proudly displayed the tooth, gently wrapped in a napkin and placed in a baggie, and a certificate of achievement.

The story was that he was in the middle of a rowdy rendition of "Freeze Dance" in Music Class when he simply wiggled his tooth and it popped right out. Must have been quite a DWTS performance!

While we eagerly await the Tooth Fairy's arrival this evening, I'm just glad to end this dental disaster day on a pearly white note!

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